Saturday 22 June

19.00-22.00 Let's walk it off!  Design and create at the Night of Museums in the Kunsthalle | art activities
programme in Hungarian

19.00 Studio of the Royal Castle of Esztergom, its wall paintings and reconstruction theory | lecture and screening 
programme in Hungarian

20.00 Exclusive guided tour with Anna Eplényi PhD, landscape architect, drawing teacher, associate professor, head of the GYIK Workshop at the exhibition Local Value | 3rd National Salon of Architecture 
programme in Hungarian 

21.00 Gábor Juhász Trio | concert 

22.00 Guided tour with Anthony Gall and Fanni Magyaróvári | KÓS 140 | The workshop of Károly Kós | Károly Kós Virtual Archive

As part of the guided tour, the Kós Károly Virtual Archive https://kos.bparchiv.hu will be presented

23.00 Mihály Borbély and Zoltán Farkas Batyu: Inspirations - improvisations
in the CSETE | Csete György, Csete Ildikó, Pécs Group exhibition | music and dance 

23.00 MÁKÓ PROJEKT | concert

Our exhibitions:

  • Local Value | 3rd National Salon of Architecture
  • CSETE | György Csete, Ildikó Csete, Pécs Group
  • KÓS 140 - The workshop of Károly Kós
  • Exhibition of László Molnár
  • Exhibition of Antal Vásárhelyi

2024. május 26. vasárnap 0:16

Következő hír

Virtual tours