Educational programmes


Programs in Hungarian only!

Alkoss Te is! | Create something yourself! - class or group sessions
For four age groups: kindergarten, lower and upper secondary and high school students
In our experience-based workshops, we initiate a dialogue with the exhibited works and become acquainted with art, creating a context that is inclusive and comprehensible for all. Given the needs of different age groups, the exhibition space offers young people a variety of exciting opportunities to learn about the world, society, themselves and others. In addition to visual development, our workplace also facilitates individual and social development. We use the works of the current exhibition, visual education methods, drama pedagogy, play and not least the fairy tales as tools.
Classes 700Ft / person, 2 escorts free
We also welcome organized groups of people with reduced mobility and / or difficulty in understanding, and benefit from reduced rates for affected groups.

Korhatár nélkül! | No Age limit! Family Days
On weekends at our current exhibition related programs, we welcome everyone of all ages to the arts.
Tickets purchased for the current exhibition are valid for the day, children under 7 are free.
Csak Lazán! | Play it cool!
Art education for adults, related to an exhibition.
Let the flow of the liberating creative energies allow you, try the exhibition-related occupation: discover the exhibited works together and create together.
The same day ticket purchased for the current exhibition is valid for the program.

Művészetpedagógiai útikalauz | Art education guidebook
Twice a year for educators, teacher students and anyone interested in art mediation.
Art pedagogy offers a way for educators to see their students in an unusual environment. Students may discover reactions, knowledge, and informal knowledge that they would not have been able to experience in a school setting. Young people also benefit from the new situation: they are given the opportunity to practice abstract thinking and new information, to develop their subjective vision, to practice cooperative and argumentative skills, to develop visual vision, to think creatively, and occasionally to visualize it.
We would like to introduce practitioners and prospective educators to the art pedagogical work of the Kunsthalle Budapest in order to discover the potential of the method through their own experiences. Art education is not only and not primarily a part of art education, it is useful in developing competences in all fields of education. The experiences and knowledge gained here can be put into the service of their own pedagogical work and can become an integral part of the development of interdisciplinary knowledge at school.
700Ft / person 

Tanári tárlatvezetések | Teacher guides
Its purpose is to inform educators about our opening exhibitions and art education activities related to the exhibition.
The program is free, but registration is required. 
Kavics Tehetséggondozó műhely | Pebble Talent Care Workshop
At our fine arts classes, which we're expecting 6-12 year-olds to love to create, we're working on a coherent story.
Own and collaborative works, role-playing, tales and lots of conversations, thousands of impulses and unleashed creativity - we are waiting for everyone with real kid-centered activities in connection with the current exhibition in the Műcsarnok.
Every Wednesday from October to the end of May, workshops to unlock creativity from 4:30 pm to 6pm
2000Ft / month 

The Role of Contemporary Fine Art in Self-Knowledge
Invitation to high school students to think and create together .
During the sessions we would like to introduce the exhibitions of the Műcsarnok to high school students. During these encounters, young people can gain new insights into contemporary art and, through it, themselves, through the art exhibited. All of this can be experienced together in the exhibition space, between works of art and through creative activity. Our goal is to enable participants to pass on the experience and experiences they have gained here to peer groups and groups of young people with multiple disadvantages, where their help and understanding is most effective in the field of artistic communication.
The programs are held every two weeks on Thursday afternoons from 4pm to 6pm, for a total of 6 times.
The program is free, but registration is required.
Tematikus séta -  osztályoknak/csoportoknak | Thematic walk - for classes / groups
Heroes in the Heroes' Square, museum pedagogical walk around the Kunsthalle
We interpret and closely examine the layout and equipment of the square, the buildings, the sculptures, and try to tune in to the era when the Miklós Ybl Mummy Museum and the Millennium Museum of Fine Arts, the well-drenched well of the Gloriaett Ybl. We continue our special walk around the Kunsthalle in the grove, looking at the new space and built elements: the 56 Memorial and the World Clock, and then return to the Kunsthalle, where the current exhibition can be viewed.
700Ft / person
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