Shoe Magic. Experimental Shoes in Art and Design

From The Hague Virtual Shoe Museum

In addition to purely protective and fashion function shoes equally carry identity, group membership or personality of the wearer. But they also hold a good creative potential. In the hands of designers the fashionable everyday object turns into a spectacular and unique autonomous sculpture or a limited edition.

For this exhibition, we have selected artists and designers from various countries with all their own view on shoes. Shoe designs has changed in the last years, especially now industrial designers, architects and artist are also drawn into shoes.

One approaches the shoe material research and technique, the other from construction or expression. Is it a shoe when you can actually walk on them or is it a shoe when your feet fits in? Do we still need leather as material in 10 years? Can we print our shoes during breakfast in 5 years?

This show presents conceptual and layered work that makes you look twice, because there are much more things going on than a pair of wearable shoes.

This way we want to share our passion for shoes with a little crazy in mind.

Liza Snook
curator, founder of the Virtual Shoe Museum

Joyce de Gruiter
artist, co-curator

exhibiting artists: Charlotte van ALEM (NL) Thomas BATA University: Frederika MOTÚZOVÁ,  Jana GARZINOVÁ, Barbora PONÍŽILOVÁ (CZ),  René van BERG (NL), Lotte de BOER (NL), Jo COPE (UK), Erik COX (NL), Joyce de GRUITER (NL), Zaha HADID (IQ-UK) Carolin HOLZHUBER (A), Jan JANSEN (NL), Karin JANSSEN (NL), KÁLDY Júlia (HU), Kei KAGAMI (J), ONA B (A), PAPP Laura (HU), PAULOVICS Dóra Ivonn (HU), Ike van der PLAS (NL), Peter POPPS (NL), Elisabeth THORSEN (N), TÓTH-KERN Enikő (HU), Anna VASOF (GR), Ap VERHEGGEN (NL)


‘I tell you, in this world being a little crazy helps to keep you sane’  Zsa Zsa Gabor


2017. September 15. - October 22.

Kunsthalle Chamber Hall

2017. September 6. - November 12.
Previous exhibition

Jozef Suchoža: Interface

2017. October 4. - October 30.
Next exhibition

The Roots of Infinity | Peter Magyar’s spatial drawings