Restropective of paintings by Miklós Németh from the Kornai Collection

"Miklós Németh is a rare figure. Since he painted his first picture, he paints at all hours of the day, becoming the lyrical storyteller of Budapest's folklore. The natural quality of his eager desire to communicate lends authenticity to his oeuvre. Miklós Németh is above all, a colourist, the painter of vivid colours, reds, blues and greens: his perfunctory drawing gets its meaning from the celebration of colour.In the procession of colourful streets, his figures get larger and grow as wild plants….He is obsessed, in the true sense of the word; his life is governed by a single goal: painting. Painting is his daytime, his evening, his dawn, his joy, his struggle and his inner voice."
2000. December 10. - 2001. January 14.

Ernst Museum

2000. November 16. - December 3.
Previous exhibition

Ezio Frigerio, set and costume designer

2000. December 15. - 2001. January 14.
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Dialogue - Art of Painting on the turn of the Millennaire