Exhibition to mark the tenth anniversary of the BLOCK group

The guiding thought of the project is the visual formulation of the various time planes and associated fields. The interpretation of the philosophical category of the time-space continuum was always a serious challenge for creative people in the field of art. In this case, B time refers to the various segments of the course of time frozen as snapshots. This is like the remembered images in the human brain, which get put away, layer upon layer and though they store various events in space and time, they are still closely related to each other, strengthen each other or perhaps dissolve into each other. If only in the arena of the imagination, the exhibition tries to break the linearity of the flow of time and if possible, to change its course in one direction, into several directions. Considering that the experience of time is strictly subjective, the exhibition does not attempt to present anything but a few suggestions which refer to an imaginary journey in time that everyone can personally experience. This is why we chose a form which emphasises the structure of the exhibition space and within it, makes it possible for the different visual elements and media to flow freely, crossing over and dissolving into each other. The exhibition can also be interpreted as a single environment which is made up of the elements of mixed-media (installations, sound and light effects, projected stills and film, panel pictures, etc.)
2000. October 20. - November 8.

Ernst Museum

2000. October 18. - November 8.
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Creating Landscapes and Gardens

2000. October 25. - October 29.
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