Ilona Németh: Dilemma*

Cura­tor: Jó­zsef Kész­man "di­lem­ma
1. a si­tu­a­ti­on ne­ces­si­tat­ing a cho­i­ce bet­ween two equal, esp equ­ally un­de­si­rab­le, al­ter­na­ti­ves
2. a prob­lem that seems in­cap­ab­le of a so­lu­ti­on
3. (Phi­lo­sophy / Logic) Logic a form of ar­gu­ment one of whose pre­mi­ses is the con­junc­ti­on of two con­di­ti­o­nal sta­te­ments and the other of which af­firms the dis­junc­ti­on of their an­te­ce­dents, and whose conc­lu­si­on is the dis­junc­ti­on of their con­se­qu­ents.

Can you make a good de­ci­si­on with re­gard to a quest­ion of cons­ci­en­ce when the root of the di­lem­ma itself is a comp­lex, mul­ti­fa­ce­ted prob­lem?
Ori­gi­n­ally Du­na­szer­da­hely (Du­naj­ská Stre­da, Slo­va­kia), vi­su­al ar­tist Né­meth Ilona was to con­vert the en­ti­re space of Ernst Mus­e­um into a mas­sive ins­tal­la­ti­on, but as pre­pa­ra­tions went along, she felt less and less able to iden­ti­fy with the plan. She even­tu­ally de­ci­ded to ra­di­cally alter her own con­cept, and make a work that ref­lects more on the cir­cum­stan­ces of re­a­li­za­ti­on, the per­so­nal mo­ti­va­tions of its creat­or, and the cul­t­u­ral con­text, than the cont­ent of the ori­gi­nal con­cept.

Fate vs. re­a­lity?
To ex­hi­bit or not to ex­hi­bit—or to do som­eth­ing very dif­fe­rent?
An ex­hi­bit­ion on the ab­sen­ce of an ex­hi­bit­ion?

The re­sult of this cre­a­tive di­lem­ma is a pro­ject that is un­con­vent­io­nal in se­ve­ral respects!
The synch­ro­ni­zed two-chan­nel video ins­tal­la­ti­on of­fers an in­sight into the sta­ges of the comp­lex de­ci­si­on pro­cess, and al­lows a peek be­hind the sce­nes of the pri­vate sphe­re and the pub­lic space.
The two video:
Endre Ko­ron­czi: In­dis­po­sit­i­on (In­ter­view with Ilona Né­meth) on 14 Au­gust 2011 and Ilona Né­meth: *End­no­te.
In­ter­vie­wer: Ko­ron­czi Endre
Trans­la­tions: Anna Antal
2011. November 29. - 2012. January 8.
2011. September 15. - November 20.
Previous exhibition


2011. December 11. - 2012. January 8.
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Milorad Krstic: Das Anatomische Theater (DAT)