DoubleNegatives Architecture: Corpora in Si(gh)te

Hungarian Pavilion Giardini di Castello, Venice, Italy 11th International Architecture Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia 2008

Curator: Gyula JÚLIUS

Supporters: Oktatási és Kulturális Minisztérium, Nemzeti Kulturális Alap, Kunsthalle

Collaborator: Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media

Mediasupporters:, What can architecture learn from the cities hollowed out from the cliffs of Cappadocia, from wasps’ nests, or from the structure of anthills?
Aaron Betsky, Chief Curator of the 11th International Architecture Exhibition (Venice Biennale), invites architects worldwide to reconsider the boundaries of architecture, with the concept he entitled Out There: Architecture Beyond Building.

The project Corpora in Si(gh)te, by the Japanese-Swiss-Hungarian team doubleNegatives Architecture, regards the building a living organism, and follows the model of structures that emerge without the supervision of a designer-engineer, organised from the bottom up. Exterior sensors continuously process and evaluate the events that occur in the outside space, and then make their own decisions about the construction of the virtual structure called Corpora, this constantly changing architecture. The live image transmitted by video cameras and the generated structure projected onto it can be seen on monitors and projection screens inside the exhibition space, Géza Maróti’s art nouveau pavilion, where the audience can also manipulate the vision.

Hungarian Pavilion
Giardini di Castello, Venice, Italy

11th International Architecture Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia 2008
2008. September 14. - November 23.

Kunsthalle, Budapest

2008. September 13. - November 2.
Previous exhibition

András Gál The border of the painting

2008. September 27. - November 9.
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Future Gifts - Solo exhibition by Mircea Cantor in the Kunsthalle