
Curated by Zsolt Petrányi Inspirations and influences form a very complex system in art. Artists are often concerned with questions which are not strictly related to the technique they apply. Painters are often inspired by the beauty of a computer print or a photo, those who make photographic works are often captivated by the pictorial quality of a surface, others are influenced by the world and themes of advertisements or pop culture. The title of the exhibition refers to this phenomenon. We examined such artistic manifestations, which, similarly to noises audible through a thin wall, or accidentally caught telephone conversations, tell us about this broad interest, pointing beyond the world of art. As we wished to give relatively large place to the young artists, in the side rooms solo exhibitions can be seen. In the central rooms a group exhibition takes place, focusing on the questions of the painting on the Millennium, on the influence of the environment in the work of art, on the concept of "project work" which covers joint productions or occasional manifestations which differ from the main activity of the artist. The title of this part of the exhibition could be Media and Art - Self and Situation Definition. We made a selection from the works of the generation of the twenty- and thirty-years-old: the exhibition represents a special aspect, the spirit of the "contemporary pop". It is a standpoint, the demonstration of a possible strategy of art. The conception does not undertake the systematic presentation of contemporary Hungarian art. Artists: A. Nagy Gábor, Bakos Gábor/Weber Imre, Benczúr Emese, Iski Kocsis Tibor, Király András, Kis Varsó (Gálik András/Havas Bálint), Komoróczky Tamás, Koronczi Endre, Kupcsik Adrián, Menesi Attila, Nagy Kriszta, Nemes Csaba/Szépfalvi Ágnes, Németh Hajnal, DJ Palotai/Yonderboi, Ravasz András, Szabó Dezso, Szacsva y Pál, Szarka Péter, Várnai Gyula
2000. June 1. - August 6.

Kunsthalle, Budapest

2000. May 19. - June 18.
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2000. July 20. - August 13.
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