Exclusive guided tour with Anna Eplényi landscape architect at the exhibition Local Value | 3rd National Salon of Architecture 

Exclusive guided tour with Anna Eplényi PhD, landscape architect, drawing teacher, associate professor, head of the GYIK Workshop at the exhibition Local Value | 3rd National Salon of Architecture 

programme in Hungarian  



more info, further programs (in Hungarian):  https://mucsarnok.hu/muzej2024 


2024. June 22. 20:00 - 21:00
2024. June 22. 19:00 - 22:00
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Let's walk it off!  Design and create at the Night of Museums in the Kunsthalle | art activities

2024. June 22. 21:00 - 22:00
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MUZÉJ | Juhász Gábor Trió concert