Metamorphosis of Light | Exhibition of Teréz Borza

In addition to her airy, translucent porcelain sculptures, the exhibition of the life’s work of Noémi Ferenczy Award-winning porcelain artist and sculptor Teréz Borza (1953) also includes her rustic dipped paper works and models of her public sculptures made of time-resistant stone - Carrara marble, Indian granite, and Süttő limestone. The artist’s works, created from a variety of materials, capture the phenomenon of light, transparency, in a plastic way, and in close connection with this, they offer transcendental layers of meaning. The inspiration for her works (Budding, Blooming, Rebirth) is often drawn from the forms found in nature and their ceaseless renewal.


Curator: Dóra Dekovics, art historian





Virtual tour

Metamorphosis of Light | Exhibition of Teréz Borza

A fény metamorfózisa | Borza Teréz kiállítása
2022. June 17. - July 31.
2022. April 27. - May 29.
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Tamás Olescher: To truth and love

2022. July 13. - August 28.
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11. Grotesque Triennial