Prohibition and tolerance

Arthistoryan Institut of ELTE and ERNST Museum organize

An exhibition of young artists studios from 1966 and 1967.
Open daily from till, closed on Mondays.

For 10 years after the Revolution, the publicity of contemporary art had relapsed to a Stalinist era in Hungary, but 10 years after, the independent association of young artists existing still today, the STUDIO, decided that they would exhibit all the artworks the had been produced in the ateliers of young artists, without a state jury. This unprecedented event, which took place in the ERNST Museum, brought upheaval to the art scene at the time. Its consequences were felt for a long time. The diversity of artworks gained publicity for the first time since the SPRING Show in 1957. In its wake, an enormous debate - published in the newspapers and professional and ideological - unfolded. In the following year, in 1967, they attempted to repeat the exhibition sans jury. Unfortunately, at the already installed exhibition, the jury of the board for Fine and Applied art carried out a thorough decimation. Constitutional disruption, police proceedings, and a political and ideological war ensued. But meanwhile, these two exhibitions had irrevocably opened the way for art to be set FREE.
Now, in 2006, we have reconstructed the former show of 72 artists with their still existing works. Among the compositions of the then young artists are featured the works of Pál DEIM, János FAJÓ, László GYÉMÁNT, György JOVÁNOVICS, Gábor KARÁTSON, Ilona KESERÜ, Károly KLIMÓ, László LAKNER, Dóra MAURER, Miklós MELOCCO and Lajos SVÁBY.

The exhibition is accompanied by a catalogue, which will be the first comprehensive document of the historical events of 40 years ago. Furthermore, with our museum talks, we will revive the events with the participation of the young artists of today and the former exhibiting artists and organisers.
2006. September 24. - November 8.

Ernst Museum

2006. August 29. - September 30.
Previous exhibition

STARTING POINT - STARKING POINT - Exhibition of Eszter Kass

2006. October 6. - November 4.
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