Book Illustrations by Picasso 1944-1969

From the Bancaja Bank collection

The exhibition contains pages of books illustrated by the artist
between 1944 -1969. Picasso's graphical oeuvre is just as significant
as his paintings or sculptures. He put peculiar passion and
sensitivity into his graphic work as well. The collection gives an insight
to the visitor to get more acquainted with the variable and unique world of
Picasso's graphics. His works on show gives you a chance to follow the
improvement in the artist's specific style and observe the way he mastered the
technique that is every now and then being compared to that of Rembrandt and Goya.
2004. July 1. - September 12.

Kunsthalle, Budapest

2004. June 15. - July 10.
Previous exhibition

György Szőnyei: GUITAR COMPOSITIONS. Collages and reliefs

2004. July 2. - September 12.
Next exhibition

ESPA?A 1950.