The Lajos Vajda Studio of Szentendre celebrates the 30th anniversary of its foundation in 2002.
The curators of the exhibition: Tihamér Novotny; Éva Gelencsér Rothman; Péter Orosz Opening: September 4., 2002, 7 pm
Opening speech: Dr. Katalin Keserü, director of Ernst Museum
Program: Uropera / Spaceoper (a happening of Space-harmonics)
Exhibited artists:
Agócs, Attila (1941-2000); Aknay, János; Almási, Gertrúd; Balogh, István Vilmos; Bán, Miklós; Benkovits, Balázs; Benkovits, Bálint; Bereznai, Péter; Bernáth/y/, Sándor; Bernáth/y/, Zsigmond; Borgó, György Csaba; Bukta, Imre; Csajka, Gábor Cyprian; Csontó, Lajos; Frózsi-Nánássy, Tibor; Gosztola, Gábor; Gubis, Mihály; Gyorffy, Sándor; Haász, István; Holdas, György; Imre, Mariann; Imreh, Tibor; Iványi, Norbert (1950-2001); Joláthy, Attila (1927-1998); Kis Tóth, Ferenc; K. Kovács, Imre (1944-2002); Kótai, Tamás; Krizbai, Sándor; Lois, Viktor; fe Lugossy, László; Mikó F., László, Mosonyi, Kiss Gusztáv; Nagy, Barbara; Margit, Szabolcs; Matyófalvi (Matyó), Gábor (1947-1998); Oláh, Mátyás; Pacsika, Rudolf; Reha, György; Selényi, Károly István; Szirtes, János; Sz. Varga, Ágnes (Kabó); Tóth, István; Ungár, Ágnes; Vincze, Ottó; Wahorn, András; ef Zámbó, István.
The Palace of Art will honour the occasion by hosting a monumental jubilee exhibition, with retrospective and contemporary sections alike.
The Lajos Vajda Studio earned a special place among the neo-avant-garde art groups of Hungary: a neo-romantic passion and the cult of individuality, daring spontaneity coupled with an improvising spirit, scandals with neo-Dadaist reminiscences and the rock-new-wave culture have all formed part of their art, along with the re-thinking of the progressive traditions of Szentendre and the application of surrealist, expressionist, constructionist and neo-primitive methods of creation. Their worldview and artistic work are simultaneously characterized by visual and conceptual absurdity, a sensitivity for social grotesque and irony and the use of creative survival techniques and attitudes.
Since its foundation, the Lajos Vajda Studio took part in countless international and Hungarian exhibitions; it organized numerous concerts, actions and performances, and also produced records and made several successful movies. Works by its artists have been purchased by several museums as well as a growing circle of private collectors.
The compositions of 46 artists will be shown at the Palace of Art´s exhibition, based on a consistently thought-through historical and analytical concept, with the artworks, the manifestoes and the selected documents of thirty years arranged in chronological order, focusing on the main iconographical and conceptual nodal points.